Translation validation — reliable organisation for your translation reviews
Translation validation by 24translate
Do your larger, multiple-party translation projects often lack sufficient oversight? Translation validation refers to a process by which you can maintain a clear overview of large translation projects involving multiple languages.
When does validation make sense?
An example: An internationally active mechanical engineering company publishes a new product catalogue. The catalogue is set for translation into the respective languages of each of the 15 countries in which the company is active. The marketing department in each local branch is responsible for accepting the respective translation. The challenges here are foreseeable: The German project manager responsible for the task spends weeks acting as a go-between for the translation service providers and 15 different marketing departments, a process that not only costs a great deal of time and money, but is rife with a potential for misunderstanding, confusion and information loss. Accordingly, the marketing manager is looking for a way to bring the translation services provider into direct contact with the foreign branch offices, while at the same time retaining control of the overall process.

How does validation work?
Texts intended for translated are uploaded onto a digital platform to which all involved parties have access. As soon as the texts are translated, they are uploaded to the platform. Employees selected in advance by the marketing manager (e.g. native speakers working at the respective branch offices) now subject the translations to internal control within a set time period. Only after approval by the appointed validator are the finished website translations incorporated into the system, or supplied to the marketing manager upon request. For their part, the manager enjoys a clear overview of the process throughout, interceding only if they wish.
Translation validations: the benefits
Since all changes are stored in translation memories, they are available for subsequent translation work. This increases the consistency and quality of your translations, while reducing costs. For example, our databases include a translation memory that is accessible to the customer at any time and which is maintained by 24translate, as well as a company-specific glossary.
Additional text services
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